not the calm

but i don’t want to
breathe, i don’t want
the calm

i want the
noise, i want the
sound of traffic, a
machine breaking,
rock songs on repeat
and chaos
in between

for when i breathe
i don’t forget
and in calmness
i hear your tired,
weak, small heart
and then-

place to place

for ten years I moved

from place to place but

I kept the letters all in

a box and carried them

to different towns, only

to find out that I will want

and need to throw them away

because I have to move

again and the box didn’t

weigh much anymore


liam it was this time
of the year six years
ago when i knew i would
love you because you are
you and i am not capable
of real hatred

but summers came without
you, just blackened gaps every
30th when we mourn and try
to cope like we always do
because now you fit in a jar
without years to count,
just my tears and maybe prayers
or screams i aim at god

this is 9 years later

if this was 2010
you would’ve had me
at hello, but darling
i’ve grown since
then and if you
had five years of
anger within that
span, you’ll understand
me when i say-
words barely move
me these days